Monday, May 14, 2012

Heading home!

We were so excited to be heading home! The ride home was a little stressful shall we say! Both girls cried, and we were getting a glimpse of what was to come:) But we were so excited to be in the car with our family of four! We are so in love with both of our girls!!! Thank you Lord for these blessings!!!


  1. were so happy she is home and so lucky we can just walk across the street to snuggle!!!

  2. It was SOOOO EXCITING to see you heading home as a family of 4! EXCITING times ahead at the Lafleur house! LOL! LOVE the matching outfits on Lily and Paige, "SISTERS" LOVE how that sounds. Will be praying for Lily and the adjustment of having a "NEW" baby sister! BEAUTIFUL family! GOD is sooooo GOOD!
